Therapy isn’t A Cup of Tea…

Therapy isn’t a cup of tea with a friend. While that can feel therapeutic and can certainly add value to your life. Therapy offers professional insight from someone who is learned and experienced in the field of human behaviour, emotions and relationships. Even at the...

Grandfather lessons…

This post is unconventional for a therapy website. However, just because it's unconventional doesn't mean it shouldn't be done. Many good therapists struggle with how to bridge their spiritual beliefs with their practice. Not wanting to isolate persons of other faiths...

A little more me…

After time studying and working in the field, I have what many call "expert knowledge" but I'm not one to lead with my expertise. I instead embrace a learner disposition. I meet others with curiosity, listen more than speak and seek to learn before adding what I may...

10 Things I’ve discovered through introversion:

Extroversion is an enormously appealing personality style, but we've turned it into an oppressive standard to which most of us feel we must conform -Susan Cain If you're an introvert struggling with your personality Quiet by Susan Cain is a must read. It's easy to get...

Affirmations and Your Inner Voice

I rave about affirmations because they aren’t just positive words. Our thoughts shape our lives. Even if you ignore the farfetched sides of that statement, (for which there is research suggesting it’s true), at the very basic, our thoughts are connected to our...

Why Acceptance? 3 Top Reasons…

As I’ve mentioned previously, I have a preference for acceptance commitment therapy (ACT). It’s what I’ve found success with personally and professionally. However, I’ll note a willingness & readiness for this type of work is required. A significant element of ACT...